A senior
"It has been some uneasy years for us to live in a new country that doesn’t use our native language. We felt helpless when we faced some unsolvable difficulties, especially elder abuse…. It’s you who helped us again and again to understand the laws in Canada, to provide us solutions to seek help and prevent dangerous incidents... The protection order was granted…. . The day we went home, we finally had a good sleep…. That was what we wanted for years in Canada. We finally feel safe and home. It is great to start a new life in our own home. Christmas this year is a wonderful Christmas, and our future for sure would be wonderful as well. “
A mom with children
"During the legal process… you greatly helped us for the favorite outcome, which is good for the family, and for our society."
A man
“Thank you so - so much for being there for us who need your help.”